Mayor Milt McIver | ||
Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson | 519-373-2601 | |
Councillor Todd Dowd | ||
Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden | 519-596-2614 | |
Councillor Aman Sohrab | 647-890-0632 |
Mayor and Council

Council meetings are held the second and fourth Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Office, 56 Lindsay Road 5, Lion's Head, Ontario. When a meeting would have been on a statutory holiday, the meeting is then scheduled to the following day (Tuesday). View the Council Calendar displaying the dates/times of all Council meetings for the year.
Attending Council Meetings
Council meetings are open to the public to attend in person and/or electronically. Meeting information and details are posted on the News Section of the website the week prior to the meeting. Registration is not required to attend. Agendas can be found on our Council Portal, meetings will be livestreams via our Youtube Channel.
Important Notice: A zoom link will not be provided unless a Public Meeting is scheduled. Individuals are encouraged to watch the Council Meetings on our Youtube Channel.
A Code of Conduct serves as a reference guide on ethical behaviour when members of Council are acting in their official capacity, and supplements legislative standards and parameters within which members are obligated to operate.
A Code of Conduct encourages the public's right to expect that its representatives adhere to the highest standards of conduct. Adherence to such standards will in turn help to protect and maintain a Municipality's reputation and integrity.
The Office of the Ombudsman handles closed session investigation complaints. Those wishing to lodge a complaint shall contact the Office of the Ombudsman directly.
Municipal councils, local boards and their committees must meet behind closed doors on occasion to deal with specific matters. For example, if a municipality is being sued or if Council is considering purchasing land or if Council must deal with a labour relations issue, then it is appropriate that it be able to do so in a closed meeting. The purpose of a closed meeting is to receive information or give direction. Exemptions are established in the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, c.25, Section 239(2)(a) to (k).
A delegation is a person or group of people who address Council for the purpose of making a presentation.
Those wishing to appear as a delegation are required to submit a completed Request for Delegation form to the Clerk. Delegations are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Anyone wishing to be a delegation at a council meeting, or submit correspondence for inclusion in council agenda shall provide the required form or correspondence to the Clerk no later than 12 Noon on the Wednesday preceding the scheduled Council meeting.
Declaration of Pecuniary Interest
According to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (MCIA), Members of Council are required to declare any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in relation to a matter being considered by Council. A pecuniary interest is one where there is a reasonable likelihood or expectation of financial loss or gain by the member or related persons as defined in the MCIA. Municipalities are required to maintain a registry of all declarations made by Members of Council pursuant to the Act. The registry must include the original written declaration and be available to the public.
Declarations Prior to November 22, 2021
Declarations From November 22, 2021 to Present
If you are a Council member for the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula and wish to declare a pecuniary interest, please complete the Declaration of Pecuniary Interest form.
The Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula established the Office of Integrity Commissioner and appointed Aird & Berlis LLP as Integrity Commissioner from September 26, 2022 to December 31, 2026. The role of the Integrity Commissioner is to help ensure that Members of Council perform their functions in accordance with the Code of Conduct and other procedures, rules or policies governing their ethical behaviour.
Making a complaint
To make a complaint, please complete the applicable form found below.
If you intend on submitting a petition to the Council of the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula to be included on a public Council agenda, please ensure that you include the following disclaimer on your petition document:
"Personal information on a petition form is collected under the authority of section 28(2) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of informing the Council of the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula of the views of the petition. Personal information will not be used by the Municipality for any purpose other than regarding the petition."
Proclamations are public announcements or declarations, often issued to organizations in the format of a ceremonial document, which recognizes the efforts and contributions of groups or individuals. Council receives requests for formal proclamations from groups or organizations wishing to raise awareness or highlight an upcoming event or issue. Council has the authority to designate a specific day, week or month to help raise awareness of these events, arts and cultural celebrations, charitable fundraising or public awareness campaigns that are significant to the MNBP.
Council will not issue proclamations for:
- Matters of political controversy, religious beliefs or individual conviction
- Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the Municipality of MNBP
- Campaigns or events contrary to law, Municipal policies or by-laws
- Campaigns intended for profit-making purposes
An organization does not have exclusive rights to the day, week or month of their proclamation.
Submit your request for proclamation in writing to the Clerk's Office at least three weeks prior to the desired proclamation period.
Examples of Proclamations
Month of January, 2020 - Alzheimer Awareness Month
Month of April - Daffodil Month - Canadian Cancer Society - Daffodil Campaign
Month of June - Recreation and Parks Month
October 17, 2023 - 23rd Annual Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day.
Contact Us
Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula
56 Lindsay Road 5
Lion’s Head ON N0H 1W0
Email Us