Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
The majority of municipalities in Bruce and Grey Counties have come together with community partners to undertake Community Safety and Well-Being planning. This process involved the identification of risks across Bruce and Grey related to safety and well-being, and the creation of a plan to address priority risks, taking a crime prevention approach.
As of January 1, 2019, the Province has legislated municipalities under the Police Services Act to develop and adopt Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plans. The Province has provided a framework that supports the mandatory legislative requirements. This framework outlines the tasks, roles, and timelines that are required for the Municipality to take in order to be in compliance with the new legislation. More information about the legislation can be found on the Province of Ontario Community Safety and Well-Being website.
This process to develop the plan included:
- Identification of priority areas to address community needs
- Identification of existing programs and services that support community safety and well-being
- Community engagement to identify the assets, gaps, and risks that exist in our area
- Action planning to address priority areas
The Plan is approved and available for review.

Contact Us
Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula
56 Lindsay Road 5
Lion’s Head ON N0H 1W0
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